All the information and guidance you need to get the best from your purchased strategies on the Footy Amigo Marketplace.
Save time, energy and money by copying already profitable strategies from the smartest football bettors and traders on the internet! Here we answer all questions you might have for strategies you’ve bought.
When you buy a strategy from a seller on the Footy Amigo marketplace, it is automatically imported into your account.
In this video, we will show and explain how to use the strategy you have just bought from the amigo marketplace.
You will learn how it works and how to start using it to bet and trade on football.
Once you’ve bought a strategy, you will start receiving alerts for the strategy WHEN Footy Amigo finds matches that fits the strategy.
The alerts will be sent to your phone just like a regular alert from Footy Amigo.
In this video, we show and explain how and when you will start receiving alerts from your purchased strategies.
Very Important: If you have not received an alert yet, it simply means no matches that fits the strategy you bought has been found, yet. So, please be patient.
The Footy Amigo Copier a.k.a Amigo Marketplace is simply a way for amigos with already profitable strategies to share those strategies with other amigos and be compensated for doing so.
Everyone who bets on football, does so to make money. So, anyone who shares their profitable strategy is practically giving you a money making machine, so they deserve to be compensated and appreciated.
This video walks you through how the marketplace works.
Footy Amigo is the best tool for smart football bettors and punters. Start using a football betting tool that is powered by Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Algorithm software with flexibility, ease of use and amazing community & support.
Made With ❤️ For The Beautiful Game.